January - March | Challenges in the Financial Sector: The Role of Credit Unions | 2021 |
September | Promoting Integrity of the Accounting Profession | 2020 |
April-June | The Professional Accountant | 2020 |
April-June | Financial Reporting Implications on Covid-19 | 2020 |
January-March | Accountants' Role In Fighting Corruption | 2020 |
October-December | The Critical Role of Fund Managers to Economic Growth | 2019 |
July-September | Regulated and Unregulated Investment; a Threat to Confidence in Financial Institution | 2019 |
April-June | Tax Reforms for Economic Growth | 2019 |
January-March | Taxing the Digital Economy: the Way Forward | 2019 |
October-December | Adoption of IPSAS: Why Ghana Should Take a Cautious Approach | 2018 |
July-September | Excise Tax Stamp Policy and its on Business and Government Revenue Mobilization | 2018 |
April-June | Moving Ghana Beyond Aid:The Way Forward | 2018 |
January-March | IFAC Issues Report on Corruption: Key Findings, Challenges and Opportunities | 2018 |
January-September | The Global adoption of International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS): The benefits and Challenges | 2017 |
April-June | The Professional Accountant and Public Accountability | 2017 |
January-March | Exploiting Gift Tax as an Appendage to the Traditional Tax Revenues | 2017 |
January-March | Ensuring Business Ethics at the Workplace: The Role of the Professional Accountant | 2016 |
April-June | Creating an Optimized Environment for Audit Quality: The role of the Accountant | 2016 |
July-September | Natural Capital and the Accountancy Profession: Applying traditional skills to new thinking and practice | 2016 |
October-December | Evaluation and Improving the Internal Control in Organisations - The Role of the Accountant | 2016 |