About ICAG College of Accountancy
ICAG’s College of Accountancy, known popularly as ICAG College was established in June 2009. The College was established to provide tuition to our prospective and regular students since there was inadequacy with regards to the provision of tuition for the Chartered Accountant (CA) professional programme.
The College began with thirty (30) students. This number grew considerably and in 2018 had peaked close to a thousand (1,000) students across Levels One to Three. The College has created the opportunity to introduce regular and part-time streams at our campus located off Trinity Avenue, East Legon.
College Programmes
The College runs two main programmes, namely:
i. Chartered Accountant (CA) professional programme
ii. Accounting Technician Scheme of West Africa (ATSWA)
Streams of the College
The College runs four (4) streams currently and these are:
a. Morning Stream: The morning stream is best suited to full-time students. Lectures start at 8.00am to 3.00 pm on week days.
The morning stream runs two sessions, the Regular and Full School streams. The Regular stream runs for four (4) months while the Full stream runs for eight (8) months.
b. Evening Stream: This stream is best suited to students who are in full-time employment. Lectures run on weekdays from 5.30pm to 8.30pm.
c. Weekend Stream: This stream also targets students in full-time employment. It runs on Saturdays from 7.00am to 8.00pm and on Sundays from 11.00am to 6.00pm.
d. Virtual Stream: The global pandemic brought innovation to the lectures held at the College resulting in the introduction of the virtual stream.
It is an interactive online lecture. Regular and prospective students have access from any location around the world through google meet platform. Lectures are held on Sundays to Saturdays from 6.00pm to 9.00pm.